Mega Rumble Jumble (2014)

Mega Rumble Jumble is a physical dancing game for four. Think Musical Chairs meets Twister. Players pick a character for themselves, and start to dance around the four USB dance mats placed in a square arrangement. Once the music stops, players must look up at the screen to see which two symbols were assigned to their character. The players then must find those symbols on the dance mats and stand on them, they can be right next to each other or quite far apart. The last person to stand on their two symbols is out. The next round starts and the music resumes with one less chair in the game. This is repeated until there is one player left.

Mega Rumble Jumble was made in front of a live audience for Freeplay’s Parallels event at ACMI’s Lightwell in 2014. The game was never publicly released due to it’s nature of being an installation game that requires custom hardware and print-outs.

mega rumble jumble

Team Members:

  • Chad Toprak
  • Harrison Smith
  • Marigold Bartlett
  • Liam Whittaker

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